Here is the predefined schedule of automatic syncs for each data source.
For every new report created a "first run" sync is initiated for the campaign lifetime up to midnight UTC of the previous day followed by scheduled syncs triggered every 24 hrs, unless an alternate interval is defined. Report data is updated with the previous 24 hrs slice of data up to midnight UTC.For the majority of data sources, we sync data at an interval of once daily. Times in UTC below are intended to act as a guide only and are subject to change.
- Pressboard Analytics: every hour at 10" after the hour
- Pressboard Links: every hour at 10" after the hour
- Adobe Analytics: 2:30 PM UTC daily
- AdMedia: 8 PM UTC daily
- Apple News: 1:35 PM UTC daily
- Campaign Monitor: 1:35 PM UTC daily
- Ceros Universal Analytics: every hour at 15" after the hour
- Google Analytics UA: every 12 hrs daily
- Google Analytics 4: every 12 hrs daily
- Google Ad Group: 12 PM UTC daily
- Google Ads Manager: 11:25 AM UTC daily
- MOAT: 1 PM UTC daily
- FB Posts: 8:30 AM UTC daily
- FB Ad Sets: every 24 hours (for last 2 days of data)
- IG Posts: 12 PM UTC daily
- IG Reel: 12:30 PM UTC daily
- IG Story: 24 hours after publish time (when story expires)
- Iterable: 4:35 PM UTC daily
- LinkedIn Ads: 1:30 PM UTC daily
- Mailchimp: 4:35 PM UTC daily
- Nativo: 1 AM UTC daily
- NEXD: 2:30 PM UTC daily
- Pinterest: 2 PM UTC daily
- Polar MediaVoice: 6 AM UTC daily
- Sailthru: 4 PM UTC daily
- StackAdapt: 3 PM UTC daily
- Storied Video: every hour at 10" after the hour
- Taboola: 3:35 PM UTC daily
- TikTok Ad Group: 1 PM UTC daily
- Twitter: 10:30 AM UTC daily
📍More sync schedules for the below more recently added Integrations will be updated
- AdYouLike
- Jetpack
- ResponsiveAds
- SeenThis