Adding Users to Your Account and Assigning Roles

Add team members to your account and assign different user roles based on the level of access required

Before a user can collaborate on campaigns, add/update publications or review reports, they must be added to your organization. Once added, users can then collaborate on campaigns and receive notifications.

  1. Click on your personal User icon in the top-right corner of your account 
  2. Click ‘Settings’, then under 'Organization' tab, click 'Members
  3. Click 'New Invitation' and add details such as First/Last name and Email for the new user
  4. The new user will then receive an email notification prompting them to log-in with a temporary password (Note: Email invite may go to the user's spam/junk folder)

New member invitation

Assigning Roles

A user may have one of three roles in Pressboard:

  1. "Standard": Default role providing partial access, including the ability to create / manage campaigns and view reports.
  2. "Administrator": provides full access, including the ability to add new Users, manage their permissions, create campaigns and make updates to your account (i.e. edit white-labelling, add credit card for Professional license activation, etc).
  3. "Client": cccess limited to viewing custom reports as well as creating and viewing Client Orders. 

Additional Permissions

i. Sales - this permission allows a User to create a NEW Client Order. Note: This permission is required to allow Users to select an Advertiser during the process of creating a Campaign, and associate the Campaign with a Client Order.

ii. Data Explorer - allows a User to gain access to two UIs including Widgets & Dashboards.

iii. Data Admin - ability to manage report components and story report settings. Please note this can only be enabled by your Customer Success manager. 

Users Roles and Permissions

To change a user’s role, please follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the steps above to open the 'Members' section 
  2. Once you search and find the User by name, under the “role” heading, click the pencil icon to edit that user’s role
  3. Select which role and permissions you’d like the user to have
  4. Hit ‘Save

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