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Looking up reporting Dimensions and Metrics supported in Pressboard

Ways to reference each data source's supported reporting fields in your Pressboard account.

Reporting requirements can change from time to time and as you attempt to recreate existing processes in Pressboard, you may encounter report components that could either be updated or re-created to match your requirements. 

How can I look up what each data source supports in my account? 

Here are a few quick ways you can achieve this, outlined below: 

Widgets UI

  1. Navigate to the UI in your dashboard, from the left hand main menu and initiate the New Widget workflow 

  2. The New Widget panel opens up with a complete repository of metrics and dimensions you can search. Search for any key word bucketed under the corresponding data source cube

  3. Metric names will appear in the colour Green
  4. In contrast, dimension names will appear in the colour Purple

Data Sources panel 

For users with the Administrator user role, you have the option to reference dimensions and metrics within the account settings

  1. Head to > Settings > Data Sources and select "Add" to pull up the panel

  2. Here you can search by data source and review all supported fields, again metrics will be highlighted Green and dimensions Purple

How can I create or update report components to reflect requirements? 

Please refer to our more in depth guide covering the Report Components workflow. If you have any specific queries that this documentation does not address, you can reach out to your Customer Success manager for support. 

A dimension or metric appears to be unavailable in the Pressboard repository, what are my options? 

We strive to keep our reporting cube up-to-date and comprehensive but we expect that sometimes additions and updates are necessary to expand the available reporting options. If you've identified a dimension/metric you'd like us to scope out, don't hesitate to bring it to our attention.