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  2. General Resources
  3. Campaign Management and Reporting

What We Measure

An introduction to the wide range of external data sources available in Pressboard Studio along with Pressboard's proprietary on-page analytics

One of the most powerful aspects of the Pressboard Studio is reporting. The reporting dashboard provides an eagle's eye view of a content program's performance, while also giving you the option to dive deeper into granular results. 

There are two primary ways in which campaign performance can be observed: 

You can jump straight to creating a Custom Report (allows User to generate an externally share-able dashboard for non-platform stakeholders) to view aggregate results for a campaign, or by viewing reports for an individual piece of content and/or social/promotional post analytics. 

Here are the various integrations currently available in Pressboard Studio:

🔎   CONTENT ANALYTICS Click on each section to learn more

pb-logo   Pressboard Analytics

ga-logo-chart   Google Analytics

ga-logo-chart   Google Analytics Dynamic Filter

ga-logo-chart  Google Analytics 4

ceros-icon Ceros Experience

Ceros Universal Analytics 

moat-logo  MOAT Content Analytics

   Moat Ads Viewability

adobe-logo  Adobe Analytics

📱  SOCIAL  Click on each section to learn more 

fb-logo-x48  Facebook (Organic)

fb-logo-x48  Facebook Ad Accounts

inst-logo-color-x48  Instagram (Organic)

twt-logo  Twitter (Organic)

twt-logo  Twitter Ad Line Items

pin-logo  Pinterest Boards (Organic)

pin-logo   Pinterest Ad Accounts

yt-logo-nc  YouTube

tiktok-logo  TikTok Ad Accounts
tiktok-logo  TikTok Account (Organic)

linkedin-logo   LinkedIn Ad Accounts

social-icon  Spaceback

🖥️   OFFSITE, DISPLAY & NATIVE Click on each section to learn more

gam-logo   Google Ads Manager

google-campaign-manager-logo-03026740FA-seeklogo.com  Google Campaign Manager 

gads-logo-1  Google Ads

stackadapt-logo  StackAdapt

admedia-logo  AdMedia Display

Apple News Advertising 



nexd-logo   NEXD Video

nativo-logo Nativo

polar-logo  Polar Mediavoice Creatives

stackadapt-logo  StackAdapt

Storied Video 


Taboola logo Taboola 


ResponsiveAds Reviews and Pricing 2023 ResponsiveAds

SeenThis | LinkedIn SeenThis


  Outbrain Amplify

💌    EMAIL
Click on each section to learn more 

Campaign Monitor


sailthru-logo Sailthru



📈    OTHER 


CreatorIQ CreatorIQ

Megaphone by Spotify (@MegaphonePods) / TwitterMegaphone by Spotify

Permutive logoPermutive (coming soon




The screenshots and descriptions below explain what each section of Pressboard Analytics means:

  1. Attention
  2. Attention Buckets
  3. Traffic Sources
  4. Locations 
  5. Viewability 
  6. Devices
  7. Links

1. Attention

How active are your readers? Say goodbye to clicks and impressions. Attention measurement takes content analysis to a whole new level. Our technology analyzes active reading time, from mouse movements, to scrolling behavior, to location on the story page. Find out not only if a story is engaging, but where readers are dropping off.

  1. Date Range: Visual representation of the number of reads over the set date range. Click the dates filter to change the date range for all report data
  2. Reads: Number of reads on the story. This is measured based on the number of unique pageviews on the story page itself
  3. Average Active Time: The amount of time actively spent on-page based on an average across all readers. Active reading is calculated by following mouse movements and scrolling behavior. This is a vastly different measurement from Google Analytics’ time spent, which doesn't take into account active versus dormant time on the page

NEW - Report Filters

Just above the Attention module, you will find a list of Filters including Location, Time Spent, UTM Campaign, Traffic Sources and Device Type. In addition, you can combine and layer multiple filters to take a closer look at performance. 


2. Attention Buckets

This report allows you to group reads by the average active reading time to see where the majority of your readers sit in engagement time. There are two static highlights above the graph: 

i. Reads 10+ sec

Easily see what volume of Reads were over 10+ seconds based on Pressboard Active Time. 

ii. Engaged Rate 10+ sec

Easily see what percentage of your Total Reads were over 10+ seconds, based on Pressboard Active Time. 


Engaged Reads Rate

3. Traffic sources

Learn how much of the story readership is coming from social media compared to direct traffic, search traffic or referrals. 

Methodology: We use the ‘Referrer’ HTTP header of the incoming request to report on the source of traffic to an article. This is standard practice and part of the open web. We use the Referrer to report on how much of the story’s readership is coming from social media compared to direct traffic, search traffic or referrals. We further break down the social traffic to see how many readers are coming from Facebook versus LinkedIn or other social platforms.

4. Locations

The locations report shows the geographic location of the reads. By clicking on the map, you can drill into and out of various countries. Break down the reads by country or even by province/state.

5. Viewability

The viewability report displays statistics related to scrolling behaviour (Scroll Depth %) based on an average across all readers or as a reflection of any filters you have activated. Viewability also shows where readers are dropping off in a story and how many people read the story in its entirety. 

Note: Average Scroll % is determined by where the scroll depth tag is placed on-page. For accuracy, it is recommended to be placed right after the last line of article text, however, some choose to place the code at the bottom of the page. Doing this may skew results (lower average) as page visitors seldom scroll all the way down to the bottom of a page.

6. Devices

Learn what device readers are seeing your story on, whether it’s mobile, tablet or desktop.

7. Links

The links report shows the number of clicks on the "Presented by" logo, the footer image, hyperlinks included in the footer message and any trackable links added to your campaign.


ga-logo-chart Google Aanalytics 

  • Page Views / Uniques
  • Traffic Sources / Locations
  • Devices
  • Age Brackets
  • Gender
  • Events: Event Category, Event Action & Event Label 

ga-logo-chart Google Analytics Dynamic Filter 

  • Host Name 
  • Page Path
  • Page Title 
  • Landing Page 

Click HERE to learn more 

ga-logo-chart Google Analytics 4 (in BETA) 

  • Age Bracket, Events, Gender
    • Views 
    • Engagement Duration
    • Engaged Sessions
    • Engagement Rate
    • Bounce Rate
    • Avg Time on Page

moat-logo   MOAT ANALYTICS

  • Page-Views
  • Avg. Scroll Depth
  • Average Page Dwell Time
  • Average Scroll Velocity (pixels/sec)

Note: A Publisher's MOAT API credentials (Brand ID & Token) may provide metrics which are unique to that Publisher's MOAT analytics set-up. Please reach out to your Pressboard Customer Success contact with the credentials to confirm what is available. 

MOAT Analytics story report-1


  • Advertiser, Campaign, Line Item, Creative, Date  
    • Ads Universal Interactions
    • Ads Universal Interaction Time
    • Ads Universal Touches
    • Ads In View Measurable Impressions
    • Ads In-View Impressions
    • Ads Total Exposure Time
    • Ads InViewTime
    • Ads In-View Time > 5 Sec Impressions - 1min
    • Ads Total Active Page Dwell Time


  • Item ID, Performance Date 
    • Page Views
    • Visits
    • Loaded 
    • Bounces 
    • Entries 
    • Exits

ceros-icon   CEROS ANALYTICS

  • Events
  • Tags (custom User defined in Ceros SDK)
  • Event Types (Clicked vs Shown)

Ceros story report

Ceros Events component

Ceros Tags component

Ceros Event Type


google-campaign-manager-logo-03026740FA-seeklogo.com GOOGLE CAMPAIGN MANAGER (formerly DoubleClick Campaign Manager)

  • Campaign, Campaign ID, Advertiser, Creative, Creative Size, Placement, Country, DMA Region
    • Impressions
    • Clicks
    • Active View Measurable Impressions 
    • Active View Viewable Impressions
    • Video Completions
    • Video Plays
    • Video Views

(formerly DoubleClick for Publishers)

  • Display
    • Ad Impressions
    • Clicks
    • CTR
    • Locations
    • Devices
    • Ad Units
  • NEWCustom Criteria (key values) and Creative Sizes
  • Video Views: Start, Auto Plays, Click to Plays, Average View Time 
  • Video Retention: Starts, First Quartile,  Midpoint, Third Quartile, Completes
  • Video Interactions: Pauses, Resumes, Rewinds, Mutes, Unmutes, Collapses, Expands, Full Screens, Video Skips

GAM - Video Views

GAM - Video RetentionGAM - Video Interactions

GAM Custom CriteriaGAM Creative Sizes


gads-logo-1  GOOGLE ADS (Search + Display)

  • Impressions, Clicks, Click-Through Rate, Daily Performance, Devices

Google Ads - Daily Performance      

Google Ads - Devices


fb-logo-x48  FACEBOOK AD ACCOUNTS - Ad Sets & Creatives

  • Impressions
  • Clicks / URL Link Clicks
  • Click-though Rate
  • Reach
  • Costs - Avg. CPM, CPC, Cost-Per-Landing Page-View, Spend (Total)
  • Daily Impressions, Video Views, Video Retention, Reactions, Locations, Devices, Demographics

FBAS - RC - Creatives

FBAS - RC - creatives video summary


fb-logo-x48  FACEBOOK (ORGANIC)

  • Post Impressions
  • Post Clicks
  • Post Reactions
  • Post Shares
  • Post Comments 


inst-logo-color-x48  INSTAGRAM (ORGANIC)

  • Instagram Posts - Impressions, Engagements, Reach, # Saved, Video Views
  • Instagram Stories - Impressions, Exits, Replies, Reach, Taps Forward, Taps Back
  • Instagram ReelsTotal Interactions, Plays, Reach, Likes, Comments, Shares, Saves

IG Reels - story report


yt-logo-nc  YOUTUBE

  • Views
  • Likes
  • Dislikes
  • Shares
  • Avg. View Time



tiktok-logo   TIKTOK AD ACCOUNTS

  • At Story Report level: Views, Impressions, Likes, Comments, Shares, Views, Views 6 seconds 
  • In Goal Tracking: All the above metrics, plus Clicks, Click Through Rate, Demographics Clicks, Demographics Click Through Rate, Reach, Result and Views (2 seconds)

TikTok Ad Group story report

TikTok Ad groups component IMPRESSIONS

TikTok Ad groups component

tiktok-logo TIKTOK Organic

  • Video ID, Date, Thumbnail URL, Caption
    • Video Views
    • Likes 
    • Comments 
    • Shares
    • Completes
    • Average Time Watched 

social-icon Spaceback

  • Date, Campaign, Creative, Feed, Feed Tag, Creative Type, PO Number, Social Platform
    • Impressions
    • Total Clicks, 
    • Eligible Impressions
    • Measurable Impressions
    • Viewable Impressions
    • Video Completions, Completion Rate
    • Call to Action Clicks
    • Spaceback Social Engagement metrics


  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Follows

LinkedIn Ad Campaign story report

LinkedIn Ad Campaign - IMPRESSIONS report



twt-logo  TWITTER (Organic Tweets)

  • Re-Tweets, Likes, Replies, Impressions, URL Link Clicks

IMPORTANT: In order to get Impressions and URL Link Clicks metrics, a Tweet must be appended to a story report within 30 days of the Tweet being posted. After 30 days, only Re-Tweets, Likes and Replies are made available through the Twitter reporting API.  

Twitter metrics


  • Impressions
  • Tweets Send
  • Clicks
  • URL Clicks
  • Engagements
  • Video Total Views

Twitter Ad Line Items story report




Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Daily Impressions, Locations, Devices & Page-Views (if applicable)



  • Impressions, Clicks, Click-through Rate %
  • Creative Instances break-down

NOTE: This integration must be activated via the platform's back-end by Pressboard's Product team. Please contact your Polar executive to confirm your Polar account's TEAM ID while simultaneously requesting them to enable API access from within Polar Mediavoice. Once acquired, the Team ID should be passed along to your Pressboard Customer Success Manager to complete set-up. 

Polar Creative Instances report


  • Ad ID, Native Ad ID, Date, Native Ad Type, Campaign Name, App Name
    • Impressions, Clicks, Click-through Rate %
    • Conversion Clicks, Conversion Cookie, Clicks Conversion Rate, Media Cost, Number of Conversions, Profit, Revenue, Revenue Cost-Per-Click. Revenue Cost-Per-Mille, Secondary Conversions, Third-party CPM Costs
    • Number of Video Completions: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%
    • Total Time Spent on Page
    • Unique Impressions, Unique Impressions Inverse Rate, Unique Conversions, Unique Conversions Rate

StackAdapt story report

StackAdapt RC----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 admedia-logo AdMedia DISPLAY

  • Impressions, Clicks, Click-Through Rate %
  • Genders, Age Brackets

AM story report

AM RC - promotions

Apple News

  • Campaign ID, Campaign Name, Line ID, Line Name, Date 
    • Confirmed TTR 
    • Taps 
    • Click Through Rate
    • Viewable Impressions


  • Campaign Name, Creative ID, Placement Name, Creative Format, Creative Video Length
    • Requested Impressions
    • Loaded Impressions
    • Creative Exposure Time
    • Average Exposure Time
    • Ad Expansions
    • Inline Video Play
    • Inline Video Starts
    • Inline Video Completions

Ceros Universal Analytics
  • Event Type, Page Name, Experience Name, Component Name, Country, Region, City, Date
    • Ceros Universal Analytics Events
    • Ceros Universal Analytics Events Total Video Play Time

JWPlayer - Video

  • Media ID, Date, Page URL, Media Type, Author, Category, Description, Title
    • 25% / 50% / 75% Completes
    • Adjusted Completes
    • Embeds 
    • Plays
    • Time Watched 
    • Unique Viewers
    • Duration
    • Content Score

nexd-logo NEXD Video

  • Impressions, Clicks Click-through Rate %
  • Engagements, Engagement Rate, Dwell Time
  • Video Starts, Engagement Rate (25s, 50s, 75s, 100s), Video Watched (25s, 50s, 75s, 100s)

NEXD story report


NEXD RC - video summary----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

storied-icon  Storied Video 

  • Video Views, Video Unique Views, Avg. Video Play %, Completion Rate

Storied Video - story report

Storied Video - RC -Video Views

Storied Video - RC - Video Retention

Storied Video - RC - VVs Table



  • Placement Name, Country, Device, Date, Site Name
    • Impressions
    • Revenue
    • Clicks
    • Click Through Rate 

Taboola logo TABOOLA - Display 

  • Campaign ID, Currency, Campaign Date
    • Impressions
    • Clicks
    • CTR
    • Viewable CTR
    • Cost per Action (Conversion) 
    • Total number of Actions (Conversions) 
    • Total Spend 
    • CPM 
    • CPC


  • Date, Order ID, Order Title, Site Name, Line Item Title, Unit Type, Publisher Unit Type, Event Name
    • Render Event Count 
    • Views Event Count
    • Clicks Event Count 
    • Interaction Event Count
    • Iframe Requested Event Count 
    • Footer Shown Count 
    • Opened Overlay Count 
    •  Clicked Expand Count

ResponsiveAds Reviews and Pricing 2023 ResponsiveAds

  • ResponsiveAds Name, Advertiser, Category, Template Type, Format, Deployment., Channel
    • Click Throughs,
    • Hovers
    • Element Clicks
    • Expands
    • Light Boxes
    • Article Views
    • Scroll0, 25, 590, 75, 100
    • Hide
    •  Video25, 50, 75, 100
    • Video Ended

SeenThis | LinkedIn SeenThis

  • Date, Campaign, Brand, Ad, Creative Name, Creative Size, Format
    • Impressions
    • Video Starts
    • 25% Video Completions, 50%, 75%, 100%
    • Total View Time
    • Average View Time
    • Video Completion Rate

  • Date 
    • Impressions
    • Clicks
    • Conversions
    • CTR, CPM, CTA
    • Revenue
    • New Visitors
    • Video Impressions

Outbrain Amplify 

  • Campaign ID, Marketer ID, Currency, Date
    • Impressions
    • Clicks
    • Conversions
    • Spend 
    • eCPC
    • CTR
    • CPA

pin-logo-1 Pinterest Ads

  • Campaign ID, Ad Group ID, Ad Group Date, Campaign Name
    • Impressions
    • Engagements
    • Clicks
    • Saves
    • Leads
    • Video Views; 3 seconds
    • Videos Views; 100%

Pinterest Ad Group story report

Pinteest Ad Group Impressions report

pin-logo-1 Pinterest Boards

  • Pin Pinterest Pin ID, Pin Pinterest Type, Pin Pinterest Date
    • Impressions
    • Saves
    • Clicks
    • Outbound Clicks
    • Video Views
    • Devices
Pinterest Boards story report

Campaign Monitor 
  •  Campaign ID, List ID, User ID, City, Region, Country Code, Country Name, Date 
    • Opens
    • Unique Opens 
    • Clicks
    • Unique Clicks


  • Campaign ID, Status, Content Type, Campaign Title, List ID, Subject Line, Preview Text
    • Emails Sent
    • Unsubscribed 
    • Hard / Soft Bounces
    • Forwards Count / Forwards Opens
    • Total Opens / Unique Opens
    • Total Clicks / Unique Clicks 
    • Subscriber Clicks / Unique Subscriber Clicks
    • Total Orders
    • Total Spent
    • Total Revenue 
    • Open Rate / Click Rate

sailthru-logo  Sailthru 

  • Campaign, URL, Device & Engagement insights
    • Beacon Impressions
    • Beacons
    • Click Multiple URLs
    • Clicks
    • Confirmed Opens
    • Email Opens
    • Page-Views
    • Revenue
    • Total Clicks
    • Users
    • Views

SailThru story report


  • Date, Launch Date, Campaign ID, Campaign Name
    • Email Sends 
    • Email Opens 
    • Unsubscribes
    • Email Click Rate
    • Email Open Rate


  • Campaign Name, Creative Name, Line Item, Campaign Label, Region, Gender
    • Impressions
    • Clicks 
    • Conversions
    • Click Through Rate
    • Post-Click Conversions (PCC)
    • Post-View Conversions (PVC)


Aggregate of Facebook Ad Accounts, Polar, Nativo, AdMedia, LinkedIn & Twitter Ad Line Items

  • Impressions, Clicks, CTR (%)

CreatorIQ CreatorIQ - creator marketing reporting 

  • Campaign, Creator ID, Post ID, Brand, Influencer, Caption, Permalink, Platform 
    • Clicks 
    • Content Likes
    • Total Engagements
    • Engagement Rate
    • Video Views

Megaphone by Spotify (@MegaphonePods) / TwitterMegaphone by Spotify 

This integration relies on user being an Enterprise-level client for Megaphone. 

Permutive logo Permutive - Audience Index reporting 

Integration Coming Soon


Ad-Juster creatives

  • Date, Primary Trafficker, Advertiser, Order Name, Campaign Name, Creative Name, Third Party Name
    • Contracted Goal
    • Scheduled Impressions
    • Schedules Goals 
    • Impressions / Impressions Third Party
    • Clicks / Clicks Third Party
    • Click Through Rate / Third Party Clicks Through Rate
    • Impressions / Click Discrepancy Percentage 


See Next: How to Connect External Data Sources to your Account

Related: How to Create Custom Reports

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