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Facebook & Instagram Metrics FAQs

We've compiled the most commonly asked questions related to building reports for FB and IG social content.

Differentiating between Facebook organic and paid content:  

There's two distinct data sources we support to report on Facebook content related to Meta API endpoints. Inevitably both of these data sources are needed to run reports on "boosted" or promoted content. 

  • Facebook Post: organic page posts 
  • Facebook Ad Sets: dark ads AND boosted page posts 

Ensure you use the terms "Facebook Post" and "Facebook Ad Set" accordingly when searching for report components in the report builder. 

In the > Settings > Data Sources, ensure your Facebook Pages and Ad Accounts are connected before adding branded content Facebook Posts and Ad Sets to campaign reports. 

When to use 'Facebook Post' reports and components: 

You can use components containing 'Facebook Post' in the name when reporting solely on boosted posts. All 'Facebook Post' metrics in Pressboard are an aggregate of organic + paid activity when posts are boosted, some of these metrics include:  

  • Facebook Post Impressions

  • Facebook Post Reactions

  • Facebook Post Clicks

  • Facebook Post Comments, Likes, Shares

When to use Facebook Ad Set reports and components:

You can use this report type for both both dark ads driving traffic to branded content and promoted posts (published organically). Note, Ad Set metrics pertain only to paid performance thus when spend goes behind promoting page posts, the Ad Set report will represent the incremental activity driven by the ad after promotion and not include organic. 

How do we handle IG Media metrics?

We support the following interaction metrics for each media object, all of which represent only organic performance. For IG media that is boosted, Facebook Ad Set metrics can be used to report on paid performance. Note, the below IG metrics are not an aggregate of organic and paid and do not include ads-driven data. 

Instagram Posts: 
  • Impressions
  • Engagement; sum of likes_count, comment_count, and saved counts 
  • Total Interactions; sum of likes, comments, saved and shares count.
  • Reach
  • Saved
  • Video Views

Instagram Reels: 

  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Plays; number of times the reels starts to play after an impression is already counted
  • Reach
  • Saved
  • Shares
  • Total Interactions; sum of likes, saves, comments, and shares, minus unlikes, unsaves, and deleted comments. 

Instagram Stories: 

  • Impressions
  • Exits (deprecated)  alternative; Navigation
  • Reach
  • Replies
  • Shares
  • Taps Forward (deprecated) alternative; Navigation
  • Taps Back (deprecated)  alternative; Navigation
  • Navigation; total number of actions taken from your story i.e metrics like exited, forward, back and next story.

How can I report on dark and boosted IG media?  

For this content you can rely on the Facebook Ad Set metrics. The most relevant metrics would include: 

  • Impressions
  • Link Clicks 
  • Clicks 
  • Reactions 
  • Comments

Limitations to combining paid and organic social metrics: 

There are distinct API endpoints we use to get metrics on Facebook and Instagram media objects. Metrics and Report Components in Pressboard are tied to a single data source.

What to be aware of: 

  • For IG content that is boosted, metric values for Instagram Posts, Reels and Stories do not include ads-driven data, only organic. 
  • For Facebook posts that are 'boosted', metric values for Facebook Posts (Impressions, Link Clicks, Reactions) include both organic and paid
  • For Facebook Reels that are boosted, metric values for Facebook Reels do not include ads-driven data, only organic. 
  • Dark ads on Instagram and Facebook rely on Facebook Ad Set metrics exclusively

Media  Facebook Posts,Reels   Facebook Ad Sets Instagram Posts, Stories, Reels 
Facebook Posts/Reels organic ✔️    
Facebook Posts boosted ✔️    
Facebook Reels boosted   ✔️  
Facebook dark ads   ✔️  
Instagram organic     ✔️
Instagram boosted   ✔️  
Instagram dark    ✔️