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External Data Sources; Missing or incomplete data

Here are some easy ways to trouble-shoot and resolve missing or incomplete External Data sources in your campaign

In our What We Measure article you'll a list of external channels/data sources currently available as reporting integrations in Pressboard. 

In order to utilize any of these integrations, they must each be added as a Data Source to your account. Once appropriate permissions are given by Users who are Admins in both Pressboard Studio and in the external platform and connections are established, reporting can be activated at the campaign/story level.

NOTE: Polar, Nativo and AdMedia are special cases where Pressboard's Product team must be involved in the set-up. 

External Data Source Analytics REQUIREMENTS:

  1. Data Source and subsequent channels / pages / networks successfully connected to your Pressboard account
  2. Asset information such as Google Analytics URLs, GAM Line Items, Facebook Post IDs, Facebook Ad Set IDs (etc) correctly added to a Story within a Campaign 
    1. URLs: Any URLs added to platform must be an exact match to the URL on-site (must not include additional parameters such as UTMs or Facebook click IDs)
  3. Overall campaign Start and End dates must fall within and / or expanded to include the timeline from which you would like data to be visualized in a story's dashboard. Campaign Start and End dates can be adjusted at anytime by clicking 'Manage Campaign' button from campaign drop-down menu, then click 'Edit' button under campaign's Brief tab
    1. Example: If campaign chosen Start date is January 1st, but, Google Analytics URL is added December 31st, results for 12/31 will not be visualized. Only January 1st data will be visualized as that is the campaign's chosen Start date. On the opposite end, if campaign End date is January 31st, but, article URL receives paid traffic engagement in the week following (February 1st onwards), February results will not be visualized until campaign End date is extended.

If ALL the above requirements are met, your story should thenconsistently update & display accurate engagement data for all external sources.


Additional considerations:

Below are descriptions of some scenarios which may explain any discrepancies a User sees for a particular data source in Pressboard compared to the results shown in that data sources native dashboard. Example: Google Analytics in Pressboard, compared to Google Analytics dashboard.

If you're finding that data is coming through to your dashboard but not necessarily matching what is reported in the native platform (Example: 100,000 impressions in Facebook Analytics area in Pressboard Studio but 120,000 impressions in Facebook itself), it is likely due to the one of the following reasons: 

  • The connection is working but campaign Start & End dates are incorrect and/or the platform has not (yet) called for the latest data
  • The connection has expired
  • The data doesn't exist usually indicating that there is an issue in the native platform itself
  • Outdated API token and/or API itself is compromised

Refer to this more in-depth article for more troubleshooting guidelines on comparing Pressboard reports to native platforms 



Adjust your campaign dates to widen the timeline from which data will be visualized. Adjusting campaign dates automatically triggers a request for results representing any new days included in your timeline. Results will then continue to be updated once daily for most external sources (daily refresh times listed further below). 

To trigger an immediate call for latest available results, simply remove and re-add the asset. For example,  re-adding an article URL to the Google Analytics report will trigger a fresh call for all data available up until that moment, but will still be based on your overall Campaign Start and End dates.

Here is the schedule of when our platform calls for data, broken out by each respective integration.

    Note: Instagram Story's can be added to the reporting dashboard an hour after publishing in Intagram but the results for the Story(s) will only become available 24 hours after publish time.


    If a particular channels' connection expires, the platform will likely impede you from adding a post or URL for measurement to begin with. To double check if a connection is expired and to re-establish the connection, head to Admin Settings > Data Sources. The 'Dashboard' tab will also display a data connection error message (at the top) with a 'Resolve' button allowing you to instantly jump to your Data Sources hub. 


    From time to time, there may be an issue within the native platform from which Pressboard Studio is calling for data. In these cases, Pressboard will investigate further but cannot guarantee a resolution. After all, if the data does not exist, there's no results to visualize in your dashboard. 

    Example: In Facebook, if your post is deemed as conflicting with Facebook's guidelines, it may get automatically deleted. Even if the post ran for a period of time and collected some level of engagement, it's possible and likely that due to deletion of the post by Facebook, the associated data may also have been deleted and therefore un-available to be displayed in your Pressboard campaign.


    Please inform your Pressboard contact if you know or suspect your API token (for Polar, Nativo, AdMedia) is about to expire or has expired. 

    If you've checked that your external data source is not exhibiting any of the issues identified above and continues to present missing or incomplete data (or no data at all) please reach out to your Customer Success team using the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the platform. 

    Did this article help resolve your issue?


    See next: Trackable URLs, Sponsored Footers and Tracking Pixels

    Related: Pressboard Analytics; Missing or incomplete campaign data